

This post is about insomnia, a phenomenon that I have been suffering from more and more frequently of late and one that I almost never suffered from in the past. What’s changed? Well, it could be the fact that I am a mother, with an ear acutely attuned to my child’s every nighttime movement, which is disruptive, and a source of great anxiety, especially when illness occurs (the baby monitor that amplifies every sound made, doesn’t exactly help either). It could be the fact that I have mixed feelings about returning to work/full-time study tomorrow and though part of me longs to return, a greater part of me wants to remain on vacation. It could be the fact that I have a constant to-do list in my head that I am continually editing, re-prioritizing, adding to, removing from, etc and for some reason this seems to occur primarily at/ or during the night. It could be the fact that I am now 6 months pregnant and it is becoming increasingly difficult to find comfortable sleeping positions which means that any sleep I do get is certainly less sound than normal. Or it could be all of the above.

As a recent and occasional sufferer, I am at a loss as to how best to combat this annoying and frustrating phenomenon. I have tried free reading which sometimes works but rarely since I usually just get further into whatever it is that I am reading and don’t want to stop. I have tried turning on monotonous background noise (i.e. the television or the air purifier) hoping maybe that the droning sound will lull me back to sleep. I have tried sleeping in other locations like the guest room or the sofa in the living room. However, this solution doesn’t work for me either because instead of sleeping, I find myself even more awake because I am hyper aware of every sound, change of light in the new location since I am not accustomed to sleeping there. I have tried yogic, rhythmic breathing which I read is supposed to reduce anxiety and calm the nerves. While I found it to be a calming tactic, it has never served to help me get back to sleep.
I find it ironic that in many of the articles that I have recently read about insomnia, there seems to be a running theme of, “Try to be as relaxed as possible in the day and don’t let stress, anxiety and worry get the better of you”. Okay I get that, but my question is how? I have found that I sometimes get insomnia even when I am not consciously aware that I am stressed out or worried. Of course, there are natural remedies such as cannabis that can be used to treat insomnia. For example, cannabis strains such as Apple Pie can have a mood-boosting impact on your wellbeing and can be used to help people living with conditions such as chronic fatigue. To learn more about the Apple Pie strain Visit this website. Managing insomnia is all about finding what works for you I guess. If I am chewing on an issue subconsciously, how do I control that or apply stress/anxiety management tactics to thoughts or worries that I may not be consciously aware of? This brainteaser of a problem alone could be a potential source of stress :-). I know a few people who suffer with Insomnia, who have looked into things like finding the best place to buy phenibut HCL, as this product is said to help with Insomnia, depression, anxiety and many other problems. They said that this worked for them. Maybe I might give this a go. It eventually reaches a stage where you are willing to try anything to get rid of this issue. It really isn’t something I want to live with forever. If you’re like me, you may feel like you have tried everything already, but haven’t had any luck just yet. It is important to stay positive, as there is always a solution to everything. A friend of mine knows how much I suffer with insomnia, so she recommended I looked into using products like cbg oil. With conditions like Insomnia, you feel like you’ve tried everything on the market, but until someone gives you another option that you may not have tried, you think there’s no harm in trying, especially if it could lead to effectively solving the problem of Insomnia. It can be very difficult to deal with, but with the help of companies such as cannatradingco, hopefully you’ll find a solution soon enough. Maybe this may be the solution I needed. It is worth a try if it means getting a better night’s sleep.

I know that I am not the only sufferer out there and am hoping that this short post will generate some feedback from others who have found solutions that work for them. I really want to nip this thing in the bud before it becomes a more persistent and constant problem. Tips and suggestions are welcome.
Thanks for reading…