Disclaimer: I was provided an advanced copy of this book from the author to facilitate this review. As always, all opinions are my own.
- The Facts: Rice & Rocks, story by Asia Sandra L. Richards, Cover art and interior design by Stephanie Bart-Horvath, Illustrated by Meghan Kayleigh Sullivan, published by Wise Ink Creative Publishing 2017 USA, 32 pages, ISBN 13:978-1-940014-73-9, eISBN 13: 978-1-940014-74-6
- The Review: Rice & Rocks is a must-read story for all young children looking to embrace and understand their cultural traditions, their sense of who they are and where they come from, and interested in learning about the diversity of cultures in our society. The main character Giovanni is a relatable, inquisitive and typical little boy trying to figure out that something he takes for granted unifies him with his friends in ways he doesn’t even realize.
- This book is aimed towards a youth audience in grades K-5 and explores other themes such as self-love, history, inquisitiveness, friendship, intra-familial and generational relationships, and embraces an element of magical-realism. I read this story with my children in 1st and 4th grades and they paid attention, asked questions, loved the beautiful illustrations, and the story itself. After the book we had an interesting conversation about traditions, family, shared heritage, and being inquisitive. This is a delightful book to read with your kids and a great conversation starter.