Since the beginning of time, Black women have been doers and leaders, so it is no surprise that today Black women continue to lead the charge as the fastest-growing group of business owners, according to a J.P. Morgan report. One woman leading the charge in the...
As A Biracial Black Woman, Learning To Find Myself Attractive Was A Journey
Personal Story Imagine waking up every day and not looking like anyone around you, including your immediate family. Day after day watching a sea of faces at school, at church, in stores, on TV, and at home that looks nothing like you. You are the only one like...
Leadership | The formula to become a rock star leader = people focused + values-driven
This piece is part of a series on Leadership by members of WCAPS — Women of Color Advancing Peace and Security & Conflict Transformation — and other members of the broader ISD community. “The role of a leader is not to come up with all the great ideas,...
Black Women Are Missing Out On The Benefits Of True HR Support And The App Kith Republic Is Here To Help
I don’t know about you, but there have definitely been times over the course of my career when I felt like I was getting the run around by Human Resources (HR) and/or that my concerns weren’t being taken seriously. In other cases, I didn’t feel like I was actually...
How To Deal With Difficult Co-Workers When Working From Home
Personal Story Thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic, working from home has become the new normal. In some respects, this has made life easier, but in others, the same drama we deal with in the workplace has followed us home. In every workplace, there are difficult people:...
Representation Matters (An essay)
I grew up the only person of color in an all-white family, in an all-white town, in a very white part of the country, upstate NY. I recognized very early on that I was “different” and not like everyone else. Being the only person of color in this environment was not...
Why You Need Urban Intellectuals’ Black History Flashcards In Your Educational At-Home Toolkit
I have to say up front that I’m biased when it comes to this product because I now work for Urban Intellectuals as their content manager. However, it was the flashcards that lead me to reach out to the company about employment. Here’s the...
Why You Need Urban Intellectuals Black History Flashcards In Your Educational At-Home Toolkit
I have to say upfront that I’m biased when it comes to this product because I now work for Urban Intellectuals as their content manager. However, it was the flash cards that lead me to reach out to the company about employment. Here’s the backstory: I’ve spent most of...
Culture, Couture, Clothing, and Community | Meet Some DC Black Love Experience Vendors
Unquestionably, Black owned businesses and entrepreneurs are on the rise. Meet some up-and-coming black business owners/entrepreneurs who share some words of wisdom for aspiring entrepreneurs. Every year in Washington, D.C. there is an amazing event called the Black...
As a professional woman who works overseas, I’ve realized that work-life balance has some additional twists. Twists such as not having familiar friends and family networks to fall back on when I need a little help and operating in a context where the primary language...