By Lia Miller Armenia is an ancient country with a rich and fascinating history. The country boasts some of the world’s oldest vineyards, vibrant and delicious cuisine, legendary hospitality, a beautiful landscape with world-class hiking, and internationally...
Why You Need Urban Intellectuals’ Black History Flashcards In Your Educational At-Home Toolkit
I have to say up front that I’m biased when it comes to this product because I now work for Urban Intellectuals as their content manager. However, it was the flashcards that lead me to reach out to the company about employment. Here’s the backstory:...
Why You Need Urban Intellectuals Black History Flashcards In Your Educational At-Home Toolkit
I have to say upfront that I’m biased when it comes to this product because I now work for Urban Intellectuals as their content manager. However, it was the flash cards that lead me to reach out to the company about employment. Here’s the backstory: I’ve spent most of...
To me, technology is the future of travel and the future of travel is technology. When I think of the "future of travel", I think of things like "green" technology, travel being powered by solar, wind, and water sources, virtual reality (VR) (where you don't even have...
From One Mom To Another: How and When To Tell Your Child They Are Adopted
Source: MStudioImages / Getty As a child who was adopted by one parent who was married to my other biological parent, I personally believe the sooner you confront the topic of adoption with your child the better. While this can be a sensitive subject that requires...
From One Mom To Another: How To Move The Family Forward After Infidelity
Source: skynesher / Getty Moving on from infidelity is hard in the best of scenarios and is even more difficult when there are children involved. You may find yourself being suspicious of your husband hiding his phone, or perhaps your wife wearing a new perfume and...
Beyond The Pyramids & Pharoahs | Egypt Off The Beaten Path
What comes to mind when you think about Egypt and traveling to Egypt? Normally, people think of the Great Pyramids, the sphinx, the tombs of the pharaohs in the Valley of the Kings, the Nile, Alexandria, and Luxor. These are incredible tourist destinations as...
From One Mom To Another: How To Deal With The “Terrible Twos”
Source: Lisa5201 / Getty The "terrible twos" is a time when your child is starting to come into their own sense of self, becoming more independent, learning the power of "no" and starting to defy mommy and daddy. While these growing pains are a necessary part of a...
From One Mom To Another: When Should I Have Sex Again After Giving Birth?
Source: LWA / Getty You've recently delivered your beautiful bundle of joy and are starting to adjust to your new normal. You're trying to figure out how to keep the spark alive with your partner who has now, perhaps, taken a back seat to the needs of your little one...
There is a big wide world out there just waiting for all of us to explore; even places that in the past were difficult for everyone to visit. Today more and more that is not the case and places that were once not traversable for all are now reachable. This is...