This post is about insomnia, a phenomenon that I have been suffering from more and more frequently of late and one that I almost never suffered from in the past. What's changed? Well, it could be the fact that I am a mother, with an ear acutely attuned to my child's...
Toward a Foreign Service Reflecting America
Two innovative programs—the Thomas R. Pickering Fellowship and the Charles B. Rangel Program—have helped bring diversity to the Foreign Service, but challenges remain. The Foreign Service is the face of America around the world, both literally and metaphorically....
10 Things I Hate (in no particular order)
So it is Tuesday and already a couple of these things have happened to me. However I decided instead of flipping out on people or getting stressed that instead I would write it down and share it. I don't know about you but it usually isn't the big things that push...
4 Financial Tips/Tricks to “make it” in DC on a public servants budget
Caveat: I am NOT a financial expert in any way, shape, or form. I am however a habitual HR brown bag attendee and question asker and the lucky recipient of a lot of sound financial advice during my time in the foreign service thus far, which I will now impart to you....
Key Elements for Effective and Successful Public Diplomacy Efforts
As a career diplomat and public diplomacy specialist with nearly a decade of experience overseas and in Washington, I have thought deeply about the most effective ways to practice public diplomacy, and how to ensure policy making and public diplomacy are joined at...