We are all professionals and we all have jobs to do, but do you ever feel like you are getting stale or that your skills "ain't what they used to be"? Do you find yourself in a professional rut or do you feel like you don't have the requisite skill set to change...
A User’s Guide for the First Time Manager
So you are in your first job and managing people for the first time. This isn't like your last internship where you organized brown bags for the other interns and didn't have any real managerial responsibility. Now you are in a management position and accountable to...
Fashion In Government: Getting Beyond Blue and Black
Government employees are known for their hard work, dedication, ethical standards, commitment to public service, non-partisanship and many other positive qualities and traits. What they aren't known for is their style and general fashion sense. In fact, over the...
Let me address the proverbial elephant in the room that is mental health, resilience and mindfulness and the way in which mental health is handled or not handled by employees and employers. The United States experiences more workplace violence and on the extreme end,...
If you’ve never heard of Mashramani or Guyana, then you need to put this celebration and this country on your radar especially during the carnival season. Typically, when people think of Carnival, they think of Brazil, Trinidad, Jamaica, Barbados, and other places,...
Book Review: Let The Children March
Disclaimer: I was provided an advanced copy of this book from the author to facilitate this review. As always, all opinions are my own. The Facts: Let The Children March, written by Monica Clark-Robinson and illustrated by Frank Morrison, published by Houghton...
If you’ve never heard of Mashramani or Guyana, then you need to put this celebration and this country on your radar especially during the carnival season. Typically, when people think of Carnival, they think of Brazil, Trinidad, Jamaica, Barbados, and other...
Book Review: Little Freddie’s in A Zone
Disclaimer: I was provided an advanced copy of this book from the author to facilitate this review. As always, all opinions are my own. The Facts: Little Freddie’s in A Zone, written by Tasha Fuller and illustrated by Andrew Smart, published by Go2Girls in...
The Art of Taking Vacation
If you are like me, you always have "use or lose" leave because you are too good at utilizing long weekends and holidays to get in little "vacationettes" here and there, instead of longer-duration vacays. So when the time comes to figure out what to do with your...
All Black Everything Starting with Black Panther
Fair warning, some spoilers ahead, but not many! If you haven’t seen the film yet, proceed with caution. All photos are courtesy of Disney/Marvel Black Panther promotional materials. Soooo, Black Panther … I drank the Kool Aid. I am basking in the glow. I am all in....