The Importance of Feedback: Why feedback is essential to a thriving workplace?
We all want feedback. I want feedback from my bosses, those I supervise, and my peers so that I can improve. Peers and friends seek me out for my feedback so they can improve. And my children need feedback so they know how to behave. In short, we all need frequent...
3 Ways Women Hold Themselves Back: How to Get Ahead in the Workplace
Why aren't I progressing in my career as quickly as my male counterparts? Why did the person I brought in already get promoted before me? I could have done that job, why didn't I go for it? Have you ever asked yourself these questions and if so, what have you done to...
5 Signs That You Are Doing Too Much
Life is busy, life is messy, we all wear many hats and find ourselves encumbering many roles, but when do you say enough is enough? Do you ever find yourself awake at night because you feel anxiety about all the things you have to do, literally the "to-do" list is...
4 Financial Tips/Tricks to “make it” in DC on a public servants budget
Caveat: I am NOT a financial expert in any way, shape, or form. I am however a habitual HR brown bag attendee and question asker and the lucky recipient of a lot of sound financial advice during my time in the foreign service thus far, which I will now impart to you....